How to find out the maturity of kvass by the bottle?
If the bottle is tough, but not hard - this indicates that the bottle contains young kvass, and the fermentation process is not intense. If the bottle is hard enough - this indicates that the fermentation process is intensive, the kvass becomes more saturated and gets more distinct taste. If the bottle is very hard and its “belt” is almost equal to the outer diameter of the bottle - this indicates that the product is likely to have been stored in abnormal temperature and is no longer suitable for consumption.
Why is live kvass not sold where juices and water are?
It is impossible to find live unpasteurised kvass on ordinary shelves, because only artificial, pasteurized beverages or beverages with preservative are stored there. In a store, live kvass by Arseniivskyi TM can be found only in refrigerators, in the cold end or on a cold shelf
Do you saturate your kvass with artificial СО2?
No, live kvass and beverages by Arseniivskyi TM, unlike others, are not saturated with artificial carbon dioxide. Kvass gasification is achieved only due to live fermentation.
Why is artificial СО2 unhealthy?
Artificial CO2 is a colorless gas with a slightly sour smell and taste. When consumed excessively, carbonated drinks can cause harm - provoke stomach diseases and metabolic disorders, which in turn can lead to diabetes and obesity. Thus, soda water obtained artificially is not recommended at all for some people such as: patients with impaired digestion, heart diseases, metabolic disorders, allergies, and also for pregnant women.
Why live kvass contains deposits?
To preserve live product in the kvass, there remains a part of yeast bacteria, as well as fractions of kvass wort and dry toasts that may be present as a deposit. The presence of some deposit is a necessary component to continue the fermentation process even in a bottle.
Where can I buy kvass and beverages by Arseniivskyi TM?
In national chain stores such as: “Fozzy”, “METRO”, “Varus”, “Novus”, “Billa”, “Silpo”, “Auchan”, “Brusnichka”, “Furshet”, “ATB”, “Fora”, “EkoMarket”, “Amstor”, “MegaMarket” as well as in several regional chain stores.
Why is your bottle white?
In order to preserve the taste of live kvass and other fermented beverages, direct sunlight should be avoided. Therefore, a white bottle is a mandatory attribute of live kvass by Arseniivskyi TM, as opposed to pasteurized kvass that can be stored in transparent containers or even in aluminum cans.
Arseniivskyi product line